© Hilaria ~Mira Mård

tisdag 5 april 2016


ind is what closes doors to the soul’s inner wisdom. Mind your mind and be observant of what you think.
Mind is a great tool. The mind is also weak and easily controlled by others and fears.

We of Spirit see a great difference in a mind in your time compared to a mind that existed centuries ago. Your mind today is seldom silent, like a hurricane it goes around and about. Never a dull moment, but this causes stress and disharmony in vibration and energy. Thought are seldom finished, they are replaced by another and another all the time.

The minds centuries ago can be described as pearls on a thread, every thought in its own place. The mind of today may be described as box of pearls, shaking.
A mind that is not in balance, connected to the heart and soul, is easy to alter and it is easy to fall into the hands of fear. Thus you should choose to cleanse your mind. What thoughts are yours and which belong to others? Is the thoughts you carry necessary for the task you are about to take on?

//Wisdom of Mother Pinetree

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